Capital Development (Strategic) Team - Our Services
In the dynamic, innovative and competitive modern day NHS, it is vital that the physical estate supports, facilitates and, at times, drives the clinical and business strategies and efficiency of operations. Asset Management’s Capital Development (Strategic) Team strives to ensure, through it’s pursuit of optimum designs and best value construction of capital projects, that the Trust’s facilities not only provide a safe and pleasant environment for patients and staff, but also act as an enabler for continual efficiency and productivity improvements.
The strategic Capital Developments’ team of qualified and highly experienced construction professionals manages the planning, programming and delivery of Heart of England NHS Trust’s strategic estate development; playing a major strategic role in shaping the Trust’s estate and facilitating the delivery of high quality efficient healthcare in a pleasant and safe environment.
Whilst ensuring all development adopts and incorporates standardised, modern, efficient and sustainable materials and engineering systems, the strategic projects challenge the ‘status quo’ and look to adopt and facilitate innovative ways of working in:
- the flows and processes to be carried out within the facility
- the incorporation of state of the art medical equipment and information technology
- utilising energy efficient and technologically advanced building components
To date the team has successfully delivered almost £60m worth of major projects, all to time, cost, quality and safety standards; whilst, also carrying out feasibility studies; initial designs; and business cases to various levels on projects totalling a further £300m.

Two of the Capital Development Team’s projects at Good Hope; Ward Block 1 and the Refurbishment of Accident & Emergency – combined total value £26 million.

Heartlands’ state of the art Vascular Hybrid Theatre with it’s robotic imaging equipment and smart glass radiation protection control room window.